

Pastor’s Blog

We Are History

We Are History

We’re history. The choices and actions I made yesterday have had a profound effect on the person I have become today.  And who I am today will more than likely create a ripple effect for the person I will be tomorrow. Every day we live our lives, we are quickly...

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

The argument is practically as old as the holiday itself.  During the season in December, does one greet another with a hearty “Merry Christmas,” or “Happy Holidays?” I do have an opinion on this, but first some history; Many theologians believe Jesus was not born in...

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Scary Things

Scary Things

At this time of year, we see people getting very excited about Halloween. Kids and adults alike are flooding the stores, getting their favorite costumes for a night of fright and fun.  Haunted houses are filled with screams from scared visitors, hoping to get a good...

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