

Pastor’s Blog

There Have Been Differences In Opinions.

There Have Been Differences In Opinions.

I hate birthday candles. Well not the candles per say.  It’s actually the practice of blowing out candles on a cake.  It has always troubled me that, in a moment of celebration, someone blows with all of their might, onto a desert that is meant to be shared by others....

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Listening To The Silence

Listening To The Silence

Recently I have been spending much more time in silence. Not just in a prayer or meditative state, which I have done in short…

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Faith On The Path

Faith On The Path

Abraham was called to follow God. A while back, a guy, now named Abraham, was called to leave his home.  God said that Abraham would be the beginning of something great.  And without hesitation, Abraham packed up his things and with his family, left to follow God. ...

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