Look Below The Surface

Look Below The Surface

I took my dog Murray for a walk this morning.  It was a beautiful start to a beautiful day.  As I looked around, I could see signs of spring.  There were buds on the trees and the grass was finally changing from its dormant brown to a lush green. I noticed some other...
How Does God Love All?

How Does God Love All?

The other day I was reading about the Titanic.  About how it continues to be studied. I couldn’t help but think about the disaster that made this ship so infamous. What a tragedy.  So much terror. So many lives lost. So much pain. The Titanic made its inaugural voyage...
When To Walk Away

When To Walk Away

WALKING AWAY Sometimes loving a neighbor means walking away. So often I am heard preaching a message of love. A message I truly believe in. I believe we are all called to love God, ourselves and our neighbors.  And, I do believe that our neighbor is everyone on the...
Loved Exactly As We Are

Loved Exactly As We Are

Fred Rogers of “Mister Rogers Neighborhood,” (a hero of mine) once said, “The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self.” I believe this just might be the most important thing about being a follower of Jesus Christ.  As Christians, I’m not sure we...
What’s Inside?

What’s Inside?

I got a package in the mail the other day. I could tell from the label it was from Amazon.com. But I had forgotten whether I had ordered anything and really had no idea what was inside. The only way I could learn what was inside would obviously be to open it. But for...
To Love and Be Loved

To Love and Be Loved

I believe every one of us is a child of God. Each of us is someone God loves very, very much.  And, I believe we are called to love every one of God’s children. Every one of us deserves love, respect, kindness, grace, and dignity. Within our world, there are...